garrett augsburger ms, cscs


Garrett’s Experience

Garrett received his BS from the University of Texas at Arlington and his MS from Texas Christian University, both in Exercise Science. Garrett is a published exercise physiology researcher with numerous peer-reviewed research articles, primarily strategies to enhance Sport and Exercise Performance, Diet Composition for Performance, and the Circadian Rhythms of Neuromuscular Function. He is currently pursuing his PhD in Kinesiology.

As well as being a 5-year NSCA Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Garrett also holds certifications from NASM as Corrective Exercise Specialist and the ISSA as a Specialist of Sport Nutrition. His passion lies in physique enhancement and body transformations through a combination of training and dietary interventions.

Garrett’s goal is to help people transform their minds, bodies, and lives through science-based approaches to training. In his spare time, Garrett enjoys playing golf, watching baseball and taking the occasional hunting and fishing trip.

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